So my hubby and I are going to take a few trips this winter and I can't wait!!! First we're going back to Philly but this time we're taking a haunted city tour. It's going to be really interesting to hear actual history sprinkled with ghost stories and folklore, it should be great! Then we are headed over to Baltimore to see our friends Miranda and Bri! And if that isn't going to be fun enough we're going to see Twilight! Woot! I am a little obsessed with the books and can't wait to see it with my friends. I have a feeling it is going to be a very girly day! I can't wait! Then it's on to our big NYC trip in early Dec. It will be our first time to the Big Apple and we are going to try and squeeze in as much as we can in the 14 hours we will have there! I'm a pro at traveling in big cities by now but NYC seems a bit scary, especially at Christmas time! I'm really hoping to fit in a show while we're there but that might have to wait until next time. We really want to see the touristy sights so we will have to play it by ear. After the New Year we want to plan a few more trips, I really want to go to Boston and Atlantic City and Matt is dying to go to a Yankees game, although he might need a friend to take because I would have to kill the screaming annoying people... but that's just me. Any takers? lol. And I'm hoping, but not holding my breath, that my parents will finally make their way out to see me. I've been married 6 years and they have yet to visit. We ALWAYS go to them. So we will see how that goes...
Now to my love of The West Wing. In 1999 when the show started I was 14 so I really didn't care about the president or his staff or a TV show about them. But now Matt and I have started watching season 1 (Thank you Netflix!) and are eagerly waiting for season 2 to get here on Monday. It's really neat to watch this show and kind of tie it together with the current election. Although it is a fictitious show, and the thought of our current president having to make some of the decisions that Martin Sheen's character has to make scares the shit out of me, I have to admit that I feel like I am understanding our government a little bit more. It's exciting! I am looking forward to getting back to DC and trying to tour the Senate, which you can do if you get there early enough to get tickets! And if you know me you know I am never early.... but I'll move on. So if you haven't watched this show, pick it up, there is a reason it won every award on this planet.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
So I stole this idea from my friend Miranda’s blog. Just a random 99 things that help make me who I am.
I. I cry at stupid movies and TV shows. Seriously tears will be flooding my feet and I can’t stop it.
II. I got married young, really young and ignored everyone who told me I was being stupid.
III. I read really fast.
IV. I love veggie sushi, could eat it all day and all night.
V. I hate closed minded people.
VI. I am grateful that I am the middle child. No one expected too much from me and no one suffocated me. I am my own person.
VII. I have the best friends in the world.
VIII. My sister is my other half, the ying to my yang. She’s loud, stubborn and passionate where I am quiet contemplative and cunning.
IX. I’m named after The Young and the Restless, so was my first dog Prince.
X. I love tattoos and can’t wait to get more.
XI. I have lived in 8 states and 3 countries.
XII. I can’t sit still.
XIII. I have no clue what I want to do with my life! And I’m okay with that.
XIV. I can read roman numerals.
XV. I am 12 classes away from my Bachelors Degree, but have no idea what I want to do with it.
XVI. I can’t spell without the aid of spell check.
XVII. I am dyslexic with the letters G and J.
XVIII. I love Big Cities.
XIX. I touched a 6 foot penis in Amsterdam with my friend Tina. I love how dirty that sounds! lol.
XX. I don’t believe in soul mates.
XXI. I am not legally able to vote for a president until 2012. Because my state residency is completely messed up. I am a resident of Indiana, Kentucky and Mississippi but none will let me vote. Confusing I know. By this time next year I will be a Delaware resident.
XXII. I love animals.
XXIII. I have never had the urge to have my own natural children, I have always wanted to adopt. But now I would like to have at least one of my own.
XXIV. I support our troops with all my heart but not the man who leads them now.
XXV. I am writing a book. Well I have written a book and now it is in the ‘I hate is so let’s edit for months’ phase.
XXVI. I am in lust with Neil Patrick Harris and Daniel Radcliffe.
XXVII. I can be annoying.
XXVIII. I don’t shut up until I feel people have understood me.
XXIX. I don’t really watch TV anymore. It has faded from my life.
XXX. I have a serious Peter Pan complex.
XXXI. I have never been to a funeral.
XXXII. My greatest fear in life is the movie The Exorcist.
XXXIII. I get annoyed when people tell me I can’t understand something because I’m not a part of it.
XXXIV. I believe in science and everything we have learned from it.
XXXV. I hate hypocrites.
XXXVI. I love pink and green.
XXXVII. I am addicted to coffee and am happy to be.
XXXVIII. My family is my world and I will fight for them and with them until I die.
XXXIX. I am obsessed with Harry Potter and Twilight. And yes I think both can live happily together. And I think it’s funny that the guy playing Edward played Cedric and I don’t like him for either! Oh well what can ya do?
XL. My husband is my whole little world.
XLI. I am going to NY for the first time in December.
XLII. Sometimes I cling to the past because I am scared of the future.
XLIII. I dig hot chocolate with whipped cream.
XLIV. I can’t wait to finish my book and actually be brave enough to let people read it!
XLV. I have been a vegetarian for almost 2 years and so happy for it.
XLVI. I love tiny versions of things. I even have a tiny Ouija board! It’s a keychain!
XLVII. I am obsessed with musicals and live theater. I could literally sit in an uncomfortable seat for years on end watching musicals and never get bored.
XLVIII. The smell of meat upsets my stomach.
XLIX. When I was 7 I fell off a wagon and cut open my ankle which should of led to me getting stitches but I cried and my dad didn’t make me get them. So now I have this awesome scar.
L. I write in journals and then have to retype everything on my computer. Which I find is the best time for editing.
LI. I have played the piano for most of my life and am a certified instructor. I don’t have a degree in it though.
LII. I hate teaching piano. J I love playing but I am a really really bad teacher.
LIII. Lately I have been saying OMG in real life.
LIV. Love Actually stays in the number 1 spot of the DVD playing all the time. I love it.
LV. I don’t like public displays of affection. I LOVE private displays of them though.
LVI. I am the peacekeeper in my family.
LVII. I use to look just like my dad, blonde hair blue eyes, but I am slowly morphing into my mother. And I love it because she’s beautiful.
LVIII. My piano is my favorite thing I own. My dad and I drove from Tennessee to St. Louis to pick it up from my Aunt’s house and then drove it back in the bed of his truck. We spent the whole drive listening to the Moody Blues. Awesome.
LIX. I am 100% American so proud of it! Even if I can’t vote just yet….
LX. If I could vote it would be for Obama, and I’m grateful that although I can’t vote for him my hubby and parents did/are.
LXI. I love brussel sprouts.
LXII. I love the snow and hate ice.
LXIII. I have to wear SPF 80 just to check my mail in the summer time.
LXIV. I’m Irish/English/Native American. But most of my family has been in America for a long time.
LXV. I love to travel and am lucky that I get to do that often.
LXVI. I love to be scared.
LXVII. My best friend is so awesome she’s the only character in my book that is based on someone! I even stole her name.
LXVIII. I used to be “Goth” but only did it to impress boys.
LXIX. I can read a 200 pages book in an hour if it is quite.
LXX. I have had phenomena more than anyone you’ve ever met.
LXXI. I have a hard time saying no.
LXXII. I have VIVID dreams and almost always remember them.
LXXIII. I can remember things from when I was just a few months old. I know I’m weird.
LXXIV. I can hold a grudge longer than you so don’t piss me off. True story.
LXXV. Germs don’t bother me. Dirty people do.
LXXVI. I love to cook and bake. I make the best stained glass cookies you will ever have.
LXXVII. I wanted to be a vet until I learned you had to put animals down.
LXXVIII. I’m an Army Brat and Air Force Wife.
LXXIX. My sister and I use to hate each other. But now she’s my everything.
LXXX. My family drove from Ft. Lewis Washington to Orlando Fl. when I was 11 or so.
LXXXI. I have odd abilities. I can do Trig and Calculus in my sleep but have a hard time with the times table. I can write and use proper grammar when I want to but I can’t spell.
LXXXII. I had my gallbladder removed this year, exactly 1 month after my father.
LXXXIII. Up until this past June I never had stitches.
LXXXIV. I’m 24 going on 40.
LXXXV. I fight with my mother almost daily on gay and lesbian rights. We don’t solve anything or agree half the time but we have learned a lot about each other.
LXXXVI. I used to wish that I was born in the 19th century because I was obsessed with Little House on the Prairie.
LXXXVII. My cat makes me laugh.
LXXXVIII. I have an odd love for Stephen King.
LXXXIX. I can’t dance so don’t ask me.
XC. I can find rhythm in anything. That use to really annoy my mom.
XCI. When I turned 10 I suddenly realized 2 things. 1. If I was born Sept 25 that means I was conceived on Christmas. And 2 I was conceived Christmas 1983 but my parents didn’t get married until March 1984. So fast forward a few months to when my parents were renewing their vows for the Catholic Church. The father asked if anyone in the pews was present at the first wedding, I raised my hand. Causing my mom to yell at me in church and my dad turn a shade of red that isn’t even named yet.
XCII. I taught myself to write with both hands, but I am naturally right handed.
XCIII. I am a really good liar. Not proud of it but I can get myself out of any situation.
XCIV. Matt and I got married on our 2 year anniversary.
XCV. I have a giant bear named Big Bear that my dad got for me before I was born. He is falling apart and smells like death but I love him and would save him in a fire.
XCVI. I need quiet in life.
XCVII. I can remember long lists quickly.
XCVIII. I scored really high on the ASVAB. So well that up until I moved to England the military was hounding me to join. They even contacted my teachers at school to try and convince me to join. Nerds couldn’t take no for an answer.
XCIX. I talk to my mom or sister everyday.
I. I cry at stupid movies and TV shows. Seriously tears will be flooding my feet and I can’t stop it.
II. I got married young, really young and ignored everyone who told me I was being stupid.
III. I read really fast.
IV. I love veggie sushi, could eat it all day and all night.
V. I hate closed minded people.
VI. I am grateful that I am the middle child. No one expected too much from me and no one suffocated me. I am my own person.
VII. I have the best friends in the world.
VIII. My sister is my other half, the ying to my yang. She’s loud, stubborn and passionate where I am quiet contemplative and cunning.
IX. I’m named after The Young and the Restless, so was my first dog Prince.
X. I love tattoos and can’t wait to get more.
XI. I have lived in 8 states and 3 countries.
XII. I can’t sit still.
XIII. I have no clue what I want to do with my life! And I’m okay with that.
XIV. I can read roman numerals.
XV. I am 12 classes away from my Bachelors Degree, but have no idea what I want to do with it.
XVI. I can’t spell without the aid of spell check.
XVII. I am dyslexic with the letters G and J.
XVIII. I love Big Cities.
XIX. I touched a 6 foot penis in Amsterdam with my friend Tina. I love how dirty that sounds! lol.
XX. I don’t believe in soul mates.
XXI. I am not legally able to vote for a president until 2012. Because my state residency is completely messed up. I am a resident of Indiana, Kentucky and Mississippi but none will let me vote. Confusing I know. By this time next year I will be a Delaware resident.
XXII. I love animals.
XXIII. I have never had the urge to have my own natural children, I have always wanted to adopt. But now I would like to have at least one of my own.
XXIV. I support our troops with all my heart but not the man who leads them now.
XXV. I am writing a book. Well I have written a book and now it is in the ‘I hate is so let’s edit for months’ phase.
XXVI. I am in lust with Neil Patrick Harris and Daniel Radcliffe.
XXVII. I can be annoying.
XXVIII. I don’t shut up until I feel people have understood me.
XXIX. I don’t really watch TV anymore. It has faded from my life.
XXX. I have a serious Peter Pan complex.
XXXI. I have never been to a funeral.
XXXII. My greatest fear in life is the movie The Exorcist.
XXXIII. I get annoyed when people tell me I can’t understand something because I’m not a part of it.
XXXIV. I believe in science and everything we have learned from it.
XXXV. I hate hypocrites.
XXXVI. I love pink and green.
XXXVII. I am addicted to coffee and am happy to be.
XXXVIII. My family is my world and I will fight for them and with them until I die.
XXXIX. I am obsessed with Harry Potter and Twilight. And yes I think both can live happily together. And I think it’s funny that the guy playing Edward played Cedric and I don’t like him for either! Oh well what can ya do?
XL. My husband is my whole little world.
XLI. I am going to NY for the first time in December.
XLII. Sometimes I cling to the past because I am scared of the future.
XLIII. I dig hot chocolate with whipped cream.
XLIV. I can’t wait to finish my book and actually be brave enough to let people read it!
XLV. I have been a vegetarian for almost 2 years and so happy for it.
XLVI. I love tiny versions of things. I even have a tiny Ouija board! It’s a keychain!
XLVII. I am obsessed with musicals and live theater. I could literally sit in an uncomfortable seat for years on end watching musicals and never get bored.
XLVIII. The smell of meat upsets my stomach.
XLIX. When I was 7 I fell off a wagon and cut open my ankle which should of led to me getting stitches but I cried and my dad didn’t make me get them. So now I have this awesome scar.
L. I write in journals and then have to retype everything on my computer. Which I find is the best time for editing.
LI. I have played the piano for most of my life and am a certified instructor. I don’t have a degree in it though.
LII. I hate teaching piano. J I love playing but I am a really really bad teacher.
LIII. Lately I have been saying OMG in real life.
LIV. Love Actually stays in the number 1 spot of the DVD playing all the time. I love it.
LV. I don’t like public displays of affection. I LOVE private displays of them though.
LVI. I am the peacekeeper in my family.
LVII. I use to look just like my dad, blonde hair blue eyes, but I am slowly morphing into my mother. And I love it because she’s beautiful.
LVIII. My piano is my favorite thing I own. My dad and I drove from Tennessee to St. Louis to pick it up from my Aunt’s house and then drove it back in the bed of his truck. We spent the whole drive listening to the Moody Blues. Awesome.
LIX. I am 100% American so proud of it! Even if I can’t vote just yet….
LX. If I could vote it would be for Obama, and I’m grateful that although I can’t vote for him my hubby and parents did/are.
LXI. I love brussel sprouts.
LXII. I love the snow and hate ice.
LXIII. I have to wear SPF 80 just to check my mail in the summer time.
LXIV. I’m Irish/English/Native American. But most of my family has been in America for a long time.
LXV. I love to travel and am lucky that I get to do that often.
LXVI. I love to be scared.
LXVII. My best friend is so awesome she’s the only character in my book that is based on someone! I even stole her name.
LXVIII. I used to be “Goth” but only did it to impress boys.
LXIX. I can read a 200 pages book in an hour if it is quite.
LXX. I have had phenomena more than anyone you’ve ever met.
LXXI. I have a hard time saying no.
LXXII. I have VIVID dreams and almost always remember them.
LXXIII. I can remember things from when I was just a few months old. I know I’m weird.
LXXIV. I can hold a grudge longer than you so don’t piss me off. True story.
LXXV. Germs don’t bother me. Dirty people do.
LXXVI. I love to cook and bake. I make the best stained glass cookies you will ever have.
LXXVII. I wanted to be a vet until I learned you had to put animals down.
LXXVIII. I’m an Army Brat and Air Force Wife.
LXXIX. My sister and I use to hate each other. But now she’s my everything.
LXXX. My family drove from Ft. Lewis Washington to Orlando Fl. when I was 11 or so.
LXXXI. I have odd abilities. I can do Trig and Calculus in my sleep but have a hard time with the times table. I can write and use proper grammar when I want to but I can’t spell.
LXXXII. I had my gallbladder removed this year, exactly 1 month after my father.
LXXXIII. Up until this past June I never had stitches.
LXXXIV. I’m 24 going on 40.
LXXXV. I fight with my mother almost daily on gay and lesbian rights. We don’t solve anything or agree half the time but we have learned a lot about each other.
LXXXVI. I used to wish that I was born in the 19th century because I was obsessed with Little House on the Prairie.
LXXXVII. My cat makes me laugh.
LXXXVIII. I have an odd love for Stephen King.
LXXXIX. I can’t dance so don’t ask me.
XC. I can find rhythm in anything. That use to really annoy my mom.
XCI. When I turned 10 I suddenly realized 2 things. 1. If I was born Sept 25 that means I was conceived on Christmas. And 2 I was conceived Christmas 1983 but my parents didn’t get married until March 1984. So fast forward a few months to when my parents were renewing their vows for the Catholic Church. The father asked if anyone in the pews was present at the first wedding, I raised my hand. Causing my mom to yell at me in church and my dad turn a shade of red that isn’t even named yet.
XCII. I taught myself to write with both hands, but I am naturally right handed.
XCIII. I am a really good liar. Not proud of it but I can get myself out of any situation.
XCIV. Matt and I got married on our 2 year anniversary.
XCV. I have a giant bear named Big Bear that my dad got for me before I was born. He is falling apart and smells like death but I love him and would save him in a fire.
XCVI. I need quiet in life.
XCVII. I can remember long lists quickly.
XCVIII. I scored really high on the ASVAB. So well that up until I moved to England the military was hounding me to join. They even contacted my teachers at school to try and convince me to join. Nerds couldn’t take no for an answer.
XCIX. I talk to my mom or sister everyday.
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