Sunday, January 20, 2008

He's gone.

Well Matt left today for his 4 month deployment and I think I handled it really well. It sucks no matter how long you're away from the person you love but luckily we have had about a year to prepare for it. Well prepare as much as you can be, let's face it it's hard to be on your own. But I have awesome friends and a great family to help me get through this and Matt went with his 2 best friends so I know he is taken care of. And a bonus my mom has gone through this quite a few times so she really can say "I know how you feel" which is comforting. Like most military wives I am sure I will fall into my routine, gym, work, gym, work. And my brother and sister are coming out in March so that will be great! I just have to make it through the first night alone in a big scary house, after that I'll be okay!

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